Monday, October 29, 2018

Project Engineers' Guide: Concreting

Fieldwork No. 6

Our goal is to learn the concrete mixes and how to install rebars and form work. Rebars are reinforcing steel bars used to reinforce the cement. Steel is strong in compression and tension, cement strong in compression weak in tension. That is why in the olden times you see huge blocks of stones to compensate against shearing or the stone cuts in half. The old buildings of the University of Santo Tomas which was built in the 1600s has walls one meter thick. Imagine that. However the steel rusts that is why the cement and steel are a perfect combination as the cement coats the steel against rust. 

The cement, sand and gravel mixture are as follows:
1:2:3 = 5,000 psi
1:2:4 = 4,000 psi
1: 2 1/2 : 5 = 3,000 psi

PSI is pounds per square inch which means the compression strength of concrete when hardened. As a contractor the Client will require you to submit and pass compression tests which are shaped in cylinders and blocks. This is usually in large-scale construction when Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC) is supplied. You get 3 samples per batch of RMC and will be tested of strength of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. Thus concrete is cured in 28 days. See graph. The purpose of testing compression for 7 days is that the graph will indicate its strength and failure to meet the designed strength will be a reason for rework. They also use the Slump Test as allowable water, cement and aggregates ratio.

After one day the concrete has hardened into plastic state at the outside but still wet at the core. These samples are submerged in water as concrete needs water to cure for 28 days. That is why it is critical for columns to remain wet that formwork stays for 7 days. In case you need the form work and you have to remove the formwork you can cover the column with canvass or plastic and water it every now and then.

Slump Test is how much the wet concrete slumps after you pull away the cone cylinder.

However in small-scale construction we get by with experience.

One bag of cement is 40 kg and 50 kg. Nonetheless our 1: 2 1/2 : 5 concrete ratio means 1 bag of cement, 2 1/2 bags of sand and 5 bags of gravel. Okay. However if you are that meticulous in measurements, make a cubit using plywood and timber measuring 1 foot x 1 foot x foot = 1 cubic feet where you can measure your cement, sand and gravel. 

We compact the pits down to the gravel layer, pour the gravel, compact and prepare to pour the lean concrete. We hammer steel bars at the corners of the pit and mark the top level of the lean concrete with tapes. We pour the lean concrete 3,000 psi. Tomorrow we going to transfer the coordinates of the footing to the lean concrete using the plumb bob.

Fieldwork No. 7

Good Morning Class. We have here our revised construction plans. Compare the new plans with the old and adjust the pegs as necessary. Note that we would be using a backhoe so talk to the operator. The estimated allowance on the edge of the footing will increase indefinitely as the machine could be unpredictable. Say 0.30m around the edges. The backhoe has claws 1 foot, 1.50 foot and 2 feet. The 2 feet claw would ideal to dig the 0.40m wall footing that supports the CHB wall. In the Philippines we use CHB blocks mainly but bricks used in the UK is not uncommon. Okay now you will apply what you learned in surveying. 2 meters setback from the edge of the footing. Check the elevation 0.50m of the pegs. Check the squareness. The right angles. Measure the gridlines as provided. We will mobilize the backhoe after we have determined the gridlines. I know we have excavated okay. But we have new plans that supersedes the old plans.

Fieldwork No. 8

Good Morning Class. The backhoe did not come. I hired six workers to dig the trenches. Direct them to the excavation lines as indicated in the plans. Check the elevation of the pegs every now and then. 050m level. Check the gridlines. Offset to the excavation lines using the nylon strings. Make an allowance of 0.10m at the edges of the footing and wall footing. Okay say we have over excavated based on the old plans. Leave them be and proceed with the digging of the new excavation lines. We will backfill the trenches anyway after we have poured the concrete footing, the wall footing and a part of the columns.

Check out my stairway design. The shear wall is provided so that the stairs has three supports - the suspended beam, the slab-on-grade and the shear wall. The shear wall is a reinforced concrete wall designed to carry weight and resist forces. I probably add another beam along the center of the stairs.

We will also fabricate the rebars for the footing. Talk to the Steelman. I have never met a Steelman who cannot measure. Give the worker the cutting and bending list. One helper helps the Steelman. Let the worker do a sample. Minimize errors as possible. Leave the worker when satisfied with the samples. Give the column stirrups cutting and bending list next.

Talk to the mason to mix concrete for wedges. 25mm, 50mm, 75mm square blocks.

The design mix of our footing is 3000 psi as it deals primarily with shear from soil pressure and from the column punching shear. When we make the wedges it should be 3000 psi or higher. Our mixture of 1:2:4 means 1 measure of cement mixes with 6 measures of aggregates. In this case the cement-sand mixture is 1:6. Gravel is 3/4" or 20mm so the bond is not good for 25mm. We can use the 1:2:4 ratio for 50mm, 75mm blocks.

We need 75mm blocks because that is the elevation the footing rebars will sit on. The 50mm and 25mm blocks are for adjustments at indefinite elevations.

Fieldwork No. 9

Good Morning Class. The excavation should be finished today. To review check the 0.50 level you pull nylon strings from peg to peg. Measure offsets from the gridlines. Mark the excavation lives. Monitor the progress of the excavation by checking the elevation with measuring rods. Note that the excavation level for the wall footing is different. While the footing bottom is 0.60m below the 0.00 level, the wall footing bottom is 0.30m below 0.00 NGL level. Our slab-on-grade will be 0.30m above 0.00. That means our house floor level is 0.30m higher than the street level.

Fieldwork No. 10

Good Morning Class. We going to pour lean concrete today after we have compacted the trenches to planned elevation. 0.60 + 0.05 lean concrete + 0.025 gravel bedding = Footing F1 is 0.675m from NGL 0.00. Wall Footing WF is 0.375m. Using the transit level. Pour the gravel. Mix 3000 psi which 1:2:4 ratio for the lean concrete.

Our manpower is as follows:
2 - Carpenters
1 - Mason
1 - Steelman
5 - Helper

The six workers who excavated were led by the two carpenters because you can rely on them with line and grade and as such you will consult them with the history of the pegs, the gridlines and the nylon strings. The Mason and the Steelman are more specialized. The Plumber comes in when installing the preliminary water and sanitary pipes before the slab-on-grade is poured. The Electrician and other specialty trades come in after the hollow blocks are laid.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Project Engineers' Guide: Line and Grade

Students during your fieldwork you will wear this shirt:

I will teach you how to use the hose level, bar level, transit level, chalk line (pitik), tape measure, make survey pegs, plumb bob, theodolite, basically the skills to build a house.

Fieldwork No. 1

Okay bring the following: 
4 units -10 meter rolls of hose level
4pcs - 2"x4"x 10' timber
1/2 kilo - assorted common wire nails (cwn) 
1 kilo - 3", 4" concrete nails
4 units - hammer
4 units - saw
4 units - bar level 
4 units - pencil 
bring your own tape measure (metro) 5m, 7.5m

I will divide the class into four groups.

Our goal here is from the curb we will measure our desired elevation. In this case top of the curb is 0.00. Drive the peg beside the curb. We make sure the peg is upright by aligning it with the bar level. The bubble should be at the center of the marker. Make sure the peg is immovable that is why you have a hammer. Measure 0.50m from the top of the curb with your tape measure and mark it on the peg. Drive another peg at a distance and make it upright. Fill the hose level with water but make allowances. The water should move up and down. Push the bubbles out. One student will pull one end of the hose and place the water level in line with the 0.50m level marked earlier. Another student will get the other end and go to the second peg and set it against the peg. When the hose level at the first peg stops moving, Student One would indicate this to Student Two who will now mark the 0.50m level at the second peg. We now have two marks. To check we will make the second peg our reference point.  

Fieldwork No. 2

Okay class bring the following:
4 units -10 meter rolls of hose level
4pcs - 2"x4"x 10' timber
1/2 kilo - assorted common wire nails (cwn) 
1 kilo - 3", 4" concrete nails
4 units - hammer
4 units - saw
4 units - bar level 
4 units - pencil 
4 sheets - 1/4" 4'x8' ordinary plywood
bring your own tape measure (metro) 5m, 7.5m

Our goal is to plot the four corners of the houses. Class you are divided into four houses, House A, House B, House C and House D. Your reference points are the corners of lot marked as A, B, C and D. The perimeter is lined with nylon string tied at the nails. As you can see in the section detail, the peg is pushed in the ground. The nail is then hammered into the peg 

Let us have House A as an example. To define points 1, 2, 3, 4 our reference point will be Point A. Measure the distance along line A-D 5 meters and hammer a peg along the nylon string. Using the hose level make it 0.50m from the ground level same level as the corner pegs. The metal claw of the tape measure clings to the nail head. When the peg is leveled hammer a nail to the marked Point 1a perpendicular to line 1-2. We will extend to Line 1-2 later. Measure 15 meters from Point 1a to 4a. Hammer a peg. Level to 0.500. Hammer a nail.

Using the plywood we extend Point 1a to Line 1-2 using nylon string. One student pulls the string, one student uses the tape measure, one student hammers the peg and so on. The plywood is square so we have a right angle, 90 degree angle or a straight line. My instructor Mr. Manalo taught me the use of the 3,4,5 triangle rule where the adjacent and opposite sides form a 90 degree angle and a hypotenuse. We will use this for checking. Measure 5 meters from Point 1a to Point 1, hammer a peg, level to 0.50m. You can approximate the peg but the nail should be accurate. Measure 15 meters from Point 1 to 2. Hammer a peg. Level to 0.50 meters. Hammer a nail.

You get the idea. 

Fieldwork No. 3

Okay class bring the following:
4 units -10 meter rolls of hose level
4pcs - 2"x4"x 10' timber
1/2 kilo - assorted common wire nails (cwn) 
1 kilo - 3", 4" concrete nails
4 units - hammer
4 units - saw
4 units - bar level 
4 units - pencil 
4 sheets - 1/4" 4'x8' ordinary plywood
2 units - transit level
2 units - theodolite
8 units - measuring rods
bring your own tape measure (metro) 5m, 7.5m

Our goal is to learn the use of the transit level and the theodolite. The transit level has the same mechanics to that of the hose level which defines elevations. The theodolite does the same work but it also defines horizontal angles. These devices are supported by a tripod. You dig the three legs into the ground to make it stable. In cases of concrete and metal surfaces make sure the tripods do not move.

Calibrate the transit level and the theodolite by centering the three bubbles. Adjust the three legs and the transit level dial to do this. 

In this activity, two groups will use the transit level and the remaining two groups will use the theodolite. Later the devices exchange groups.

Now one student will handle the measuring rod. The rod is a graduated measure that extends to 10 meters. It is made of wood and steel thus it does not fold like the tape measure.

Since we will define elevations you can set up anywhere the range of the scope. The transit and the theodolite are like telescopes that you can adjust the sight. The theodolite however when we will define horizontal angles we will set up at strategic locations.

Surveying with the transit level, theodolite and even the total station involves computations. Okay to set the pegs at 0.50m level same as our reference Point A we will set the measuring rod against the peg at Point A. Make sure the bubbles are at the center. Sight the numbers on the scope. The field is uneven okay so the elevation will not be the same for all. Get a notebook and list the measurements. At Point A we get two measurements - the 1.10 at the level of the transit level and the 0.40 at the top of the peg. 1.10 minus 0.40 equals 0.70. Sight the measure on Point 3 we get 1.35. 1.35 minus 0.70 equals 0.65. Hammer the peg at Point 3 until it reaches the 0.65 mark of the measuring rod. 

The transit level costs 18,000 pesos while the theodolite 90,000 pesos that is why I asked the PLM Civil Military Training (CMT) Office to deploy us four cadets to protect the equipment including handling and storage.

You get the idea.

Fieldwork No. 4

Okay class bring the following:
4 units -10 meter rolls of hose level
4pcs - 2"x4"x 10' timber
1/2 kilo - assorted common wire nails (cwn) 
1 kilo - 3", 4" concrete nails
4 units - hammer
4 units - saw
4 units - bar level 
4 units - pencil 
4 sheets - 1/4" 4'x8' ordinary plywood
2 units - transit level
2 units - theodolite
8 units - measuring rods
4 units - plumb bob
bring your own tape measure (metro) 5m, 7.5m and surveying notebook

Our goal is to learn how to define points using the theodolite. The angles are adjusted in the dial. As we said in this endeavor we must place the theodolite at strategic angles. Our benchmark (BM) is from the sidewalk. It is marked by the City Surveyor as a nail hammered in the pavement and encircled with paint. The City Surveyor has the details of the BMs around the city, its elevation, coordinates and distances to other BMs.

The theodolite is positioned directly above the nail at BM. There is a scope downward that you must center the nail. That is aside from calibrating the three bubbles okay. You need patience in this work. In older models of the theodolite they have the plumb bob instead but the same mechanics. You place the point of the plumb bob directly above the nail as close as you can get.

Okay you now ready to sight from BM. You can define Point A using the 45 degree angle and the distance 7.07 meters. From A to 1, it is better we get our reference points from the existing Line A-B and Line AD. Remember we are positioned now at Point A we get to check if the site is square meaning is it built at right angles. Measure A to 1a to 4a. Hammer the pegs, level to 0.50 and hammer the nail. Set up at Point 1 and define Point 2, 3, 4.

You get the idea. 

Fieldwork No. 5

Okay class bring the following:
4 units -10 meter rolls of hose level
4pcs - 2"x4"x 10' timber
1/2 kilo - assorted common wire nails (cwn) 
1 kilo - 3", 4" concrete nails
4 units - hammer
4 units - saw
4 units - bar level 
4 units - pencil 
4 sheets - 1/4" 4'x8' ordinary plywood
2 units - transit level
2 units - theodolite
8 units - measuring rods
4 units - plumb bob
12 rolls - nylon string (batak)
bring your own tape measure (metro) 5m, 7.5m and surveying notebook

Our goal is to learn how to make grid lines using pegs. I advise you install continuous pegs to make it stable. The horizontal peg is adjusted to 0.50m level, the level we get from BM 0.00 at the sidewalk. That means our peg is 0.50m higher than the sidewalk. We are building a house okay so refer to the footing and column schedule. We measure 2.00 meters from the edge of the footing where we install our pegs. 

The perimeter of the lot is fenced so we have two sides that we can hammer our horizontal pegs. We hammer stakes on the other two sides to support horizontal pegs. We define the gridlines using the equipment we have discussed earlier. We mark gridlines GL A, GL B. GL 1 and GL 2. We check the squareness of our work with the theodolite. We can also use the 3, 4, 5 triangle rule and the plywood. See diagram.

We will excavate to define the location of our footing. We make allowances of 0.10m on the side of the footing. We do that by offsetting from the gridlines. The distance from GL A is 0.70/2 = 0.35 + 0.10 = 0.45. We measure 0.45m from GL A. See diagram. The excavation lines are marked.

The purpose of tying gridlines from peg to peg (batak) is to transfer the coordinates down. We will use the plumb bob to do this. But first we excavate to desired elevation where we gonna concrete the footing.

The bottom of the footing is approximately 0.60m from NGL but we will have 0.10m of gravel bedding. The gravel layer prevents water to come up through capillary action. We pour another layer 0.05m of lean concrete so that our footing has uniform size and we can mark our coordinates in the surface of the lean concrete. 

That would be 0.60 + 0.10 + 0.05 = 0.75m but we will excavate down to 0.60 level only. We will compact the soil down to the 0.75m level by tampers and timber. 

Pull the nylon string at the GL A from end to end of the pegs. Measure the elevation using the measuring rod from the ground to the nylon string approximating the center of the footing pit. As shown in the diagram, let us say it measures 0.65. Thus 0.65 + 0.60 = 1.25 is the reading of the measuring rod at the bottom of the footing.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Building a Pyramid

I will tell you how the Egyptians built the pyramids. They did it by cut and fill method. By cutting the earth it means they excavated using shovels and spades. After one layer of blocks is laid they fill the surroundings with soil thereby it is level with the blocks. They will lay the blocks again, fill the surrounding, lay, fill, lay, fill, lay, fill until the last block is laid. Then they excavate to reveal the pyramid. It is tedious work but can be done with manpower.

Bringing in the Rains

prevailing winds on earth

prevailing winds by latitude

We make it rain in the deserts. It rained while i was in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. There is a man-made lake where they play water sports like the Formula One H20 and jetskiing. Warm, moist air moves over the bodies of water and water vapor rises into the atmosphere. As the water vapour rises, it cools and condenses into liquid droplets. Condensation releases heat into the atmosphere, making the air lighter. The warmed air continues to rise, with moist air from the ocean taking its place and creating more wind.

We have to create more lakes and rivers and estuaries that connect to the seawater to bring in the rains. As you can see in the map it is an integrated development. Deserts are dried out oceans okay. Man-made lakes in the Middle East would benefit themselves. Man-made lakes in the Gobi desert would create Northeasterly winds that would bring rains to China and the Middle East. The sand like any soil is permeable so we have to determine its water table. Lakes in the outbacks of Australia will benefit themselves. Man-made lakes in the Saharan desert would benefit Africa. You get the idea.

I Am Quitting This Forum

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I am quitting this forum. Too many nerds and mma fgts.
Laters scrubs.

Yesterday, 06:08 PM #2

Shontae De'marc
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MMA has it's own section - people on here are boxing fans first, which is all that matters. People who are purely MMA fans and don't care for boxing are the real f4ggots. Look at those cookie cutter MMA websites, run by pink haired SJW f4gs (luckily for us they burn in hell for eternity, their f4ggotry will not pierce the gates of heaven).

Yesterday, 06:41 PM #3

Julia Slobberts
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Later bro

Yesterday, 06:56 PM #4

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Originally Posted by JasonBoxing
Laters scrubs.
And yet you're thirsty for their attention lol

Yesterday, 07:02 PM #5

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Nobody cares what you gonna do


Yesterday, 07:06 PM #6

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Originally Posted by Dontae She'marc
MMA has it's own section - people on here are boxing fans first, which is all that matters. People who are purely MMA fans and don't care for boxing are the real f4ggots. Look at those cookie cutter MMA websites, run by pink haired SJW f4gs (luckily for us they burn in hell for eternity, their f4ggotry will not pierce the gates of heaven).

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Yesterday, 08:21 PM #7

Shontae De'marc
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Originally Posted by Willy Wanker
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Yesterday, 08:31 PM #8

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Originally Posted by JasonBoxing
Laters scrubs.

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Yesterday, 08:32 PM #9

Jim Jeffries
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Yesterday, 08:51 PM #10

I am Entropy. I am Death.

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Originally Posted by Jim Jeffries
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You know he's gonna be back within the week right.