Friday, February 15, 2019

Respecting Women

We respect women because we respect our mothers. Our mother is our own blood. Can you say that about your father? Where did you come from? Isn't it from the womb and blood of your mother? Therefore your bloodline is in your mother.

I know you say I am putting my best foot forward in saying all the righteous shit. I am a sinner. If I tell you about my worst, will you still listen? I guess not. What I mean is that I will not write what is not necessary.

I like to stare at women with short hair cause I think they are lesbians so I wanna change them into real women. I almost get beaten by thug looking lesbian. I mean she was huge, I am 5'6" and she was taller and bigger, her arms and legs the size of tree trunks. And I was doing nothing except I was idling in front of a mall waiting for the rain to stop. She says Why you standing like that. Huh? Are you tough? Her face was close and her arms ready. I am a chicken so I said No. I am not tough.

I had a horrible lady boss that keeps us her subordinates always on our toes. She keeps track of our routine. In that office, we have no gym so I would go to the toilet and do some push-ups and pull-up a couple on the door jamb. Once is I get carried away so I was out for about 30 minutes. The boss accused me of sleeping in the toilet. There was a time she get really sick but she went to work anyway because we have a deadline to beat.

What I am trying to say is that women are similar to us because men and women are supposed to help each other. There are things that men cannot do that women can, like giving birth so the men contribute their genes. While there are extremely physical activities that women cannot participate in because they are naturally weaker in physique. They can give inputs to the men instead.

To improve the bloodline is to educate the women. The more the educated the women, the more the bloodline improves.

Beyond UFOs

Beyond UFOs

So how old is the Earth? The rocks we find on Earth’s surface have a great variety of ages, since different rocks solidified at different times from molten lava. The very oldest Earth rocks are about 4 billion years old, but Earth itself must be older than this, because the entire surface has been re-shaped through time. Mineral grains found within some Earth rocks date back as far as 4.4 billion years, about the same age as the Moon rocks, which must also be younger than Earth if, as currently thought, the Moon formed when a  Mars- size object blasted part of Earth’s outer layers into or-bit (a hypothesis we’ll discuss in chapter 5). The very best estimates of Earth’s age come from radiometric dating of meteorites. The oldest meteor-ites are chunks of rock that must have solidified very early in the solar system’s history, at the time when Earth and the other planets  were just beginning to form. These meteorites are about 4.55 billion years old, which means that our planet began to form at about that time.

If you read a few Creationist web sites, you may find people trying to argue that radiometric dating  doesn’t really work. But as you’ve just seen, the scientific principles behind it are quite simple and the basic physics is very well understood: From our theory of nuclear structure we can determine which nuclei will decay and which will remain stable, and measured decay rates are in good accord with theoretical predictions. The technique of radiometric dating gains further support from the fact that, in many cases, rocks contain more than one type of radioactive isotope. If radiometric dating weren’t valid, you might expect that different isotopes would give different ages for the same rock. But they don’t: Within margins of measurement uncertainty, we invariably find that dating the same piece of rock with several different isotopes gives the same age, adding to our confidence in the validity of the technique. Moreover, we can often check the results we obtain from radiometric dating against other methods of measuring ages, giving us even more confidence that the technique works. For example, with many fairly recent archaeological artifacts, we can confirm the ages obtained from radiometric dating by measuring ages from tree ring data or even from dates written on the artifacts. In addition, astronomers have discovered completely in dependent methods for estimating the ages of stars, including the Sun. Although none of these methods give an age as precise as the age we obtain from radiometric dating, they all confirm that the Sun’s age is in the range of 4 to 5 billion years. Overall, the technique of radiometric dating has been checked in so many ways and relies on such basic scientific principles that there is no longer any serious scientific debate about its validity.

You interested in the detailed explanation of scientific principles, you have to get the book.

You know guys estimate is different from actual. Astronomers estimate the composition of the planets and faraway galaxies because of its color as based on Earth minerals. The assumption is that the minerals are also same as Earth. So what if there are minerals not of this Earth? That's a possibility. Like Astronomers looks at Pluto now. Its only an estimate that it is only 100 million years old. Until we get samples from it then we know whats its age and composition. What we have though is that we have tested samples on Earth and meteors.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Pussy Willows Cattails [Song Interpretation]

Pussy Willows Cattails by Kenny Rankin

Pussy willows cattails
Soft winds and roses
Rain pools in the woodland
Water to my knees
Shivering, quivering
A warm breath of spring

[Cultivating medicinal plants including bonsai, flowers and orchids. Burying your legs on rice paddies, the sweat cools you down with the wind.]

Pussy willows cattails
Soft winds and roses
Catbirds and cornfields
Daydreams together
Riding on the roadside
The dust gets in your eyes
Revelling, dishevelling
The summer nights can bring

[Daydreaming of fields of gold and planning the cold summer nights. Driving in the countryside with the car top down, you forget your shades.]

Pussy willows cattails
Soft winds and roses
Slanted rays and colored days
Stark blue horizons
Naked limbs and wheat bins
Hazy afternoons
Poising rejoicing
The wine cups to bring

[Harvesting fruits of labor and celebrating the hard day's work with wine.]

Pussy willows cattails
Soft winds and roses
Harsh lights and candle lights
Wood fire a blazin'
Soft lips and fingertips
Resting in my soul
Treasuring, remembering,
The promise of spring

[Candle light dinners and talking, reminiscing at the fireplace. Singing duets with the wife as the wife plays the guitar.]

Pussy willows cattails
Soft winds and roses
