Thursday, August 2, 2018

Redemption [Book Review]

Ben Trinity was caught up in a blizzard storm in the town of Redemption at the state of Montana. Thus he was unable to report to the location his parole officer planned for him. He was imprisoned in Tallahasee for aiding terrorists bomb the Amtrak train where trucks containing poisonous gasses swept into the wind killing 97 people. A wealthy man in his days living off a trust fund provided by his wealthy father, he was a college professor when he met his lovely wife who apparently is a Middle-east immigrant who has a French citizenship. They go to the Middle-east set-up a foundation to give them medicine. But her wife’s brother is the suspected leader of the terrorist group who bombed the Amtrak. They were indicted. Ben was sent to jail and was wired with a microchip so he cannot get close to electronics or else he gets a shock. Her wife was executed by a man supposedly his brother. Ben has trade skills so Carlene the owner of the main restaurant in Redemption offered him a job. Her daughter George, a divorced mother of a fourteen year old Amy, would become close to him as they know him better. The town policemen Luke Jensen, George’s ex-husband, eyes Ben closely even as the Indian Dennis Red Wolf keeps them balanced. There was trouble everywhere Ben went so when the FBI stepped in to meddle, they do not know is the bad guy. Ben was exonerated on the charges and phoned George the good news. He came home to Redemption.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Lee Jackson is as good as advertised. You know like Russell Hitchcock he knows how to suspend narratives and master the prose. There are scenes that jolted me but that’s the purpose. I would say they edited the story in the movie Lucky One starring Zac Efron.

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