Sunday, October 21, 2018

Carbon Monoxide by Paul Frownfelter

Carbon monoxide always seeks oxygen to become carbon dioxide, sink back to earth

Feb 17, 2017

In discussions of global warming/climate change, we mostly get the opinions of “experts” — some supporting and some opposing — as to whether a human activity-based canopy of carbon dioxide is endangering the planet.

Where there are not enough “expert opinions” to fill the ears of the public, politicians and talking heads also fill the public mind with confusion.

I would like to dispel that confusion. We do not need “experts” or “opinions” if we would, instead, understand some basic science.

If you remember your high school science classes, you already may know the answers.

For those who need a reminder, I will share what I remember, along with some additional information learned from my parents and articles I have read on the subject.

The central features of the debate are the production of carbon dioxide and its place high in the atmosphere.

Long ago — before cell phones and the Internet and, for the most part, cars — people had a need for clean water. They found they could dig into the ground and often find a source of clean water.

Back in those primitive days, the digging was done by hand. A man with a shovel would dig into the earth, deeper and deeper, until he found the water for which he was looking.

What is of interest to us is they had knowledge that has since been forgotten by many — a danger to their life to be guarded against.

As such digging took many days to gain the depth needed, they would leave and return many times before the well was finished.

They learned that the “damps” might settle into the well over night. Many died because of this danger before they learned how to recognize its presence.

As a safeguard, they would light a candle and lower it to the bottom of the well. If it stayed lit, the well was safe. If its flame went out, the “damps” was present and no digging could be done.

In those early days, they did not know the “damps” was carbon dioxide. Since carbon dioxide is heavier than the rest of the air, it settles downward, not up!

There is no way for a canopy of carbon dioxide to stay high in the air. There is simply nothing available to hold carbon dioxide up.

Heat from a chimney can push it upward. Think of a hot-air balloon, which rises only when hot — but when it cools, it must settle downward.

Both the balloon and the carbon dioxide — as they are both heavier than the surrounding air — must go down, not up.

Carbon dioxide falls to the earth, where the vegetation will breathe it in — gaining the carbon for their growth, and releasing the oxygen for us.

Carbon dioxide is produced in the breakdown of all plants. That breakdown — of every kind, whether burning, rotting, eating, composting or any other way — will always release the same amount of carbon dioxide, as every carbon atom will be connected to oxygen in these processes and none of these can change the amount of carbon the plant contains.

So if a cow eats the grass and belches, or if a prairie fire burns the grass, or if the grass dies and is consumed by soil bacteria and worms; the end result of carbon content being released from the grass in carbon dioxide is the same.

Twelve carbon atoms released give 12 carbon dioxide molecules; 1,000 carbon atoms released gives 1,000 carbon dioxide molecules.

Both carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide can be produced in the burning of carbon fuels.

Carbon-containing fuels are all plant or animal products and petroleum products like oils and gas (called hydrocarbon, as they are made up of both hydrogen and carbon).

When hydrocarbons are burned, hydrogen connects to oxygen to form water. Carbon connects to oxygen to form carbon dioxide or monoxide.

When released into the atmosphere, carbon monoxide finds and connects with an additional oxygen atom to become carbon dioxide.

This is a natural process and does not need any help from people to accomplish it.

Anywhere carbon monoxide can connect to oxygen, it will! Even in water, it will take oxygen from the H2O water bond, thus releasing the hydrogen from that bond.

Carbon monoxide is of danger to us only where it is in high concentrations, like inside an enclosed garage.

So why all the misinformation? Simple: Propaganda.

This propaganda is intended to create a global trouble in the mind of the public so that the public will want the trouble fixed.

And the one to fix it is, of course, the government, under the direction of the United Nations.

Their plan is to gather tax money they call carbon credits.

How amassing such tax funds can fix their imagined trouble hasn’t been discussed; only the collecting of money is necessary in their minds, and so given into the public’s mind also.

In their plan, the dumb masses will be happy to give all their wealth to this new power; much like the new master Eve met in the garden. Both are full of lies.

As long as the public does not know the truth, the propaganda succeeds.

Just recently, U.N. official Christiana Figueres publicly confessed that the real global warming agenda is to destroy capitalism.

And National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration senior scientist John Bates revealed the government falsified data to promote false global warming propaganda.

This propaganda is the next step in giving the United Nations the power they need to create, in their words, “the new world order” — with them having all power and wealth of the world under their control.

Only the truth can set you free! So learn the truth!

PAUL FROWNFELTER of Henry County is a member of the local Volunteers for Freedom Tea Party. His email address is See link 

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