Saturday, October 6, 2018


Battlebots is Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. You know those evil machine operated rolling robots whose aim is to destroy. They are limited at 250 pounds. After Mad Max comes Water World. I know i'm just floating the idea around of waterbots and airbots.

You wanna build your battlebot firstly you think of design. Distribute the weight around. Vertically the bot should have a low center of gravity at the same time it should be mobile enough. My lattice frame is a bird cage and is assembled by halves. Another sheet of titanium will cover the frames - at the front, back, sides, top and bottom. I have to consult my electronics man, electrical man and computer man. What is the compatible dynamo for my design.

Now you are set. You a lousy driver keep practicing at it. You can only do so much with your technology. My fingers get callous chasing the robot at Kingdom Hearts but i keep at it until i caught it. That was when the controller has only four directional buttons. I play Digimon World 2 now and then at my PSP. Then Sony Playstation comes up with the mushroom type that you wiggle your thumb at it. Then they make it wireless. Then Microsoft copies it with their X-Box. Nintendo is still around i guess.

Altering your design can be annoying and unnerving but if you can be original about it there is no problem. What is originality. It is your trademark.

The reason we are playing battlebots is to provide inspiration and hope so that we can build more machines that can develop our modes of transportation. From landbots we apply the technology to waterbots and later to airbots. Who knows these battlebots discover the propulsion systems we need for easy interstellar travel. 

Battlebots on water would primarily mean staying afloat. Probably stern armours and projectiles.

Battlebots on air would primarily mean staying airborne for 3 minutes. Probably polearms and projectiles. Drones bumping into another drone would mean we can design drones that are safe for travel. 

Battlebots underwater primarily mean the submarine vessels are waterproof. Probably stern armours and projectiles.

How would these bots fare in outer space? In zero gravity? Other kinds of gravity? We'll see.

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