Monday, August 16, 2021
Once Upon A Time In The Philippines
Once upon a time in the Philippines, there was this Swiss magician showing off his skills in the streets of Manila. Although the locals did not understand the language, they somehow understood the performances and really enjoyed it. One time the Swiss covered a cup of water with a handkerchief. By one swift and fluid motion, he made the cup disappear to the amazement of the crowd.
“Voila,” he said.
“Ahhh ‘wala’ daw,” said one of the locals while others nodded in agreement. And so, from then on, when things are missing, locals would refer to it as “wala”.
Then he traveled south and saw a great lake upon a lagoon. "It looks like Lausanne". "Luzon daw", said one of the locals. And so, from then on, thr big group of islands in the north of the Philippines was collectively known as Luzon.
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